Student Printing

Printing Systems Status / Alerts

No issues currently reported.

Custom DNS

Note: Some students may have custom DNS settings that may prevent you from accessing the website. If on the Yale secure network and you are unable to access, verify that your Network’s DNS settings are set to automatic. 

Student Printing

  • Web Print and Add Funds (PaperCut User Page)
  1. (Link is external) (Link opens in new window)
  2. Click here for detailed Web Print instructions
  3. To Add Funds:
    1. Click on the ‘Adding Funds’ link on the left side of the Papercut User Page
  • PaperCut Mobility for Touchless Printing
  1. Print and release from a BluePrint queue using a mobile device.
  2. Best practices for mobility printing:
    1.  Only release print jobs when standing next to the printer. Never remote-print high-risk data unless you are physically at the specific printer being used.
    2.  Double check that you are printing to the correct printer before releasing.
    3.  If documents were accidentally released and not picked up, follow up to ensure that they are retrieved. Contact if you need help with a document that was sent to the wrong printer.
  3. Android Setup and Print/Release instructions
  4. iOS Setup and Print/Release instructions

  • Download PaperCut for Windows
  1. To download the installer for PaperCut software and BluePrint queues, click here
  2. For installation instructions, click here

  • Download PaperCut for Mac
  1. To download the installer for PaperCut software and BluePrint queues, click here
  2. For installation instructions, click here

  • BluePrint Student Printer Locations
  1. Go to BluePrint Cluster Locations

The printer is out of toner / paper

The printer is jammed

  • The most common reason jobs don’t come out is not having sufficient funds in your account. You can check by logging onto your Papercut User page(Link is external).
  • Second, is sending a document to print using Web Print and the document has some type of security on it and can’t release it because it can’t open it. Remove any security on the document if you want to use Web Print. You can put it back on after you have printed it.
  • Also, check that the printer is turned on and not in an error state.

Why does it say ‘Hold for Authentication’?

  • This can happen on Mac computers when a stored password has been changed and the old one is stored in the keychain. Go to the keychain and look for a BluePrint print queue entry, delete it, and try to print again entering the new password when prompted.

I can’t connect to the BluePrint queues

  • Verify you are on the Yale network and YaleSecure if wireless.

Student Technology Collaborative (STC)

ITS Help Desk

BluePrint Support

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Law School Help Desk

School of Drama

School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

Frequently Asked Questions

Here, you will find answers to common questions 

about our PaperCut services.

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